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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Nov 21-22:  Beaufort SC

     What a charming little town!  We have both been here before, for an afternoon side trip when we were in Hilton Head with Dan's family, and the warmth and beauty of this place hasn't changed in the last ten years.  The stately live oaks with their branches dripping with Spanish moss, the sycamores and the palm trees all guarding large and small homes with their porches and rocking chairs bring you back to antebellum times.  This area is where most of Forrest Gump and parts of The Big Chill were filmed.  This place also has a history dating back to the 1670s, when settlers first came.  The many smaller islands surrounding Beaufort were once plantations.  During the Civil War this place was always in Union hands and the island plantations became the communities of their freed slave populations.  This is where the Gullah culture was defined, as the area was so isolated from outside influences.  There is much to see and much to learn in Beaufort.
     Dan had 'met' a fellow Willard owner on the online Willard forum, who lives with his wife in this area.  Perry Dukes came to greet us when we arrived at the dock, offering us the use of his truck, and inviting us to dinner.  We gladly accepted both offers.  We made a quick run to the grocery store and to the hardware store to refill our propane.  We were low on almost everything, and the use of the truck to fill with grocery bags was most welcome.
     Dinner with Perry and Nancy Dukes was a real treat.  We met fellow cruisers Vivienne and Tom, who have a catamaran and all of us settled down for a dinner of "the best shrimp you ever had."  They were indeed - fried local shrimp.  We had a great meal and there was lots of talk about boats and liveaboard life.
     Perry let us keep the truck overnight, and we made a quick trip in the morning to Walmart before turning it back over to him.  They invited us to church and we accepted.  Afterwards we received a tour of their Willard - it's always fun to see other people's Willards and how they've outfitted them - and we all went out for a late lunch in downtown Beaufort.  You know how you meet someone and know you'll be friends for life?  The Dukes are those sort of people.  We hope we can do as much for them if they come to Maine once we are back home.
Perry & Nancy Dukes with us in Beaufort's Waterfront Park.
     After lunch we parted ways and Dan and I took a long walk around town to take in the historic houses and all the Spanish moss.  We had showers at the Waterfront Park and will be moving the boat from the free dock to an anchorage soon.  Tomorrow we head South once more.
Heading downtown Beaufort.

Waterfront view from Beaufort's historic district.


  1. First snow on the coast today, so be careful out there, you two... ;^)

  2. It was certainly our pleasure to get to know you. Surely we will meet again.
    Perry & Nancy
