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Thursday, June 6, 2024


        We stayed at Otter Island for two nights.  The days were beautiful, the nights were calm, the scenery was gorgeous.  Dan felt well enough to row ashore and explore a little, coming back with driftwood and planking.  I put together lists of what to pack to bring ashore and what else needed doing.  It was a very restful couple of days.   

Tuesday, June 4, dawned clear and placid calm, and we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and make our way home.  We took our time, arriving in Camden Harbor just after noon.  Our friend Gretchen had offered us the use of her car to help us get stuff home, as we had no vehicle.  After we tied up at the town landing dock, I walked up the street to drop a bag at home and then over to Gretchen’s to pick up her car.  It was a little daunting to drive again, after nearly two years.  I was glad tourist season has only just begun and I didn’t have too much traffic to deal with.  Camden can be very crazy in the summer.  

        Home!  Where we can take baths in the clawfoot tub, do our laundry without worrying about timing or quarters.  Where I don’t have to displace everything on the sofa to dig under the cushions for canned goods.  Where we can spread the yoga mat out and have plenty of space to stretch and not be in each other’s way.  (These little things are enough to make you giddy with pleasure!) We’ve been gone almost two years.  We’ve visited three countries and twenty-four states.  We’ve cruised into or through four of the Great Lakes, about a dozen canals, and transited nearly 200 locks.  I was able to visit cousins and spend time with all of my siblings. We’ve made countless friends and reconnected with friends we haven’t seen in years.  We’ll have memories to last a lifetime.  Now it’s time to figure out what the next adventure might be.

Our Great Loop.  I had to draw in the Canadian portion - the track line reset in Wisconsin because we spent so much time there.

Tommie wasn’t sure about leaving the boat, but she’s ok as long as Dan is there to sprawl over.  

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