This is our Blog for the Motor-Sailor "Willie Dawes" ex-Audition, ex-Puffin, sailing from Camden Maine.A short explanation of the names. Puffin was her name by the previous owner, we changed the name to Audition. We are sailors, and now were "Auditioning" and new type of vessel to us". After 5 years of "Auditioning" we decided to give her a, lets say, real name.
Kathy came up with a great one. "Willie Dawes". Since our Friendship Sloop is named "Paul Revere", Willie Dawes seemed fitting as he was the lesser famous of the riders spreading the word of the British march into Boston and surrounds. One if by land, two if by sea... My comment was that since our motor-sailor was built by Willard Marine, the "Willie" Dawes seemed perfect.
I'll start with a little overview of the boat, what we have done with her, and then go on to what our plans are for the near future. Please follow along and enjoy the ride.
Willie was built by Willard Marine in 1974 and we have been Refitting and sailing her since she showed up on our doorstep in Spring of 2009. Now lets just say that this boat was a pretty good (ebay) deal, but any 35 year old boat is going to need some upgrading.
From my work log: Purchased
Spring 2009, sent to Shaw Yacht during
summer, took back from Shaw Yacht late
Fall 2009
Upon close inspection we decided to go the distance and started get into this boat for the long haul. First operation was to strip the hull of all its hardware and send it off to a fiberglass shop for some minor repair and alteration, and a new paint job. Lots of evenings and weekends were spent getting her ready, as well as scoping out other necessary projects. Turns out, lots of necessary projects before sailing. In short, not going to be any 2009 sailing season, as mid summer we sent her of to Shaw Yacht for the facelift including raising the pilot house roof, prepping for all new windows, and the new permanent dodger aft. We took her back all shiny and bright in the late fall and put the cover on her so work could continue thru the winter.
From my work log: First summer used by us 2010, We had a few trips during this first summer, figuring things out as we went. Most everything worked pretty well, but there was a lot of tending needed by the original Perkins diesel. It was leaking every fluid, fuel, coolant, raw water, transmission, you name it, it leaked it. This winter would be time for a change.
From my work log: New engine for 2011, We installed a new Beta Marine 38 HP Kubota Diesel for this season. What a difference, altho still having some fuel delivery issues, we made out pretty well. This summer we broke in Tommy as the "Boat Kitten". Finished up the season with a November weekend trip to Bangor.
From my work log: Not launched 2012
(new house), In the throes of rehabbing our "new to us" house in Camden, no launch of the the boat this summer. Building a new boat barn took the lead.
From my work notes, Launched again 2013, Mostly weekend trips this summer, getting used to the new house in Camden, lots to do ashore.
From my work log, In new barn fall 2013, We built the barn from a steel frame kit that we designed, had a friend do the ground work, hired the concrete slab poured, June 2013, started framing up with help from a borrowed boom truck and family help. The siding and roofing installed with help from guys I work with, and tight enuf with doors installed by the first snow. What a luxury to have two 30 footers and shop space and to be able to just open up any project and not have to fight with a winter cover.
From my work log, Launched late 2014, July, Had great 17 day trip on Maine Coast ending Labor Day Weekend, , Me, Her and the Cat, Had a little fuel tank issue in the fall, A Leaky tank, oh my, guess you know that will be a major winter project. Hauled in November.
The Plan in brief, April 2015, Quit our Jobs, May 2015 Attend Son William's college Graduation in Portland by boat. Continue South as far as the Hudson River, follow same North and take a left into the Erie Canal. Follow that as far as Oswego/Oneida and follow that to Lake Ontario. Cross the lake North Eastward and enter the St Lawrence Seaway and follow that NE thru Montreal and Quebec and up around New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, skirting South of Prince Edward Island. Squirt out thru the Canso Strait and Canal into the Atlantic and follow the Nova Scotia coast to the Bay of Fundy, then cross back to Maine.
With any luck there will be a little summer left, and time for us to ready for a trip South again, this time down the Intercoastal Waterway, the "Ditch" exploring along the way, with plans to spend a WARM winter in the Bahamas.
Stay tuned!